Finally, Jakarta have MRT (Journey Story & Review)
Hello Dear....
After long not posted in this blog. But the good news, Jakarta is Now Have MRT...... OMG! Welcome to the new Public Transportation. Now I Tried MRT during trial Run with My Mom, using Bukalapak for an event of Trial Run, register and payment are finished at 1 day before going to this place.
1 day later, we got to Istora MRT Station by Transjakarta Busway. We Choice Kalideres - GBK Route. The waste time is only 39 Minutes from Sumur Bor because We moved from Jembatan Baru to Sumur Bor. After that, we stop at the GBK Bus stop.
But, I see the tree on the bus stop, WHAT! is weird (Jokes). Oh, it's Okay, just the Unique design. Anyway, My Friend not going to try MRT, but I try the new Public Transport.
Well... let"s go to the place.
Look! it's awesome. The Skybridge is so Cool, Modern, Instagramable and Futuristic. Different from the old one, so old and not Futuristic.
We walk together to MRT only 500 m. after that, we found the MRT Station in the street. We walk again until there is here.
Here it is a Stair to Station. not only stairs, but the elevator is exclusive for priority people, like seniors, pregnancy, and disability. I'm not using an Elevator because I'm not Priority.
After Access to the station, we got the Trial Run Sticker. In the station, the Interior is very Modern and Futuristic, I Loved it! I'm waiting for my train, but do you know about "Ratangga"? Yes, I Know it.
The train is Coming... And ready to go to Bunderan HI Station.
The people also riding the train to Bunderan HI or many MRT stations. yeah, I trust be anything to do.
More people were standing up until finally, I got the hand grip because my tall is 155 cm or Petite, I can grip it. And let's go to the Bunderan HI for the starting.
We have here at Starting from Bunderan HI to Lebak Bulus, and here was happened if riding MRT from Bunderan HI to Lebak Bulus in a short time? let's go on the journey.
I see a beautiful Jakarta Skyscraper, Look here it is. A station has been here via MRT Train.
OMG! I see an MRT depot at Lebak Bulus. Look Here! More modern and like the Metropolitan City in other countries.
And Finally, I'm here at Lebak Bulus Station.
Riding MRT from Bunderan HI to Lebak Bulus is only 30 Minutes. WHAT! Is it really real? I say yes to do. It's Faster than riding by car. Or Traffic Jam Free like Expectations.
We go to the down and up again, I see an Ad.
Because More people on MRT to make the feel Crowded Condition, like Escalator. So Crowded!
Also, it is safety and comfort because MRT Have Air conditioners for the cooling system and using CCTV. For Me, this is good for health, like fat/weight loss and reduce osteoporosis because I walk to MRT, reduce stress because My Mom not riding, and pollution free.
But wait, we return from Lebak Bulus to Bunderan HI again for the same time. And here what Happened? It is the same time from Bunderan HI to Lebak Bulus or not?
OMG! More "Ratangga" Train
OOTD for ongoing MRT Jakarta.
After that, riding from Lebak Bulus to Bunderan HI is the same time. Awesome! now, we back return to Istora MRT Station.
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